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The Science Behind Scleral Lenses

In the world of vision correction, scleral lenses have become increasingly popular, providing a comfortable and effective solution for individuals with various eye conditions. These specialty contact lenses are designed to sit on the sclera or the white part of the eye, rather than the cornea like traditional contact lenses. Scleral lenses have been around for quite some time, but recent advancements in technology and materials have made them more accessible and beneficial to a broader range of patients. In this article, we will explore the science behind scleral lenses, their advantages, and how they compare to traditional contact lenses.


The Science Behind Scleral Lenses


To understand the science behind scleral lenses, it is important to first understand the anatomy of the eye. The eye is composed of several layers and structures, including the cornea, which is the clear front surface of the eye responsible for focusing light onto the retina. For those with irregular corneas or other eye conditions, traditional contact lenses may not provide adequate vision correction or comfort.

Scleral lenses work differently from traditional contact lenses. They are larger in diameter, ranging from 14mm to over 20mm, and are made of highly breathable materials, such as silicone hydrogel, that allow for oxygen transmission to the eye. The lens vaults over the cornea, creating a tear-filled space between the lens and the corneal surface, which not only corrects vision but also provides comfort and protection for the eye.

The science behind scleral lenses involves the precise design and fitting of the lens to ensure proper alignment with the eye's shape. This is accomplished through a combination of custom measurements, computer-aided design, and high-resolution imaging techniques. The lens is then manufactured using advanced materials and technologies to create a customized fit that conforms to the unique curvature and contours of each individual's eye.

Advantages of Scleral Contact Lenses


There are numerous advantages to using scleral contact lenses, particularly for those with certain eye conditions or who have struggled with traditional contact lenses in the past. Some of the key benefits include:


Improved Vision

For individuals with irregular corneas, such as those with keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, or post-surgical complications, scleral lenses can provide improved vision compared to traditional contact lenses or glasses. The tear-filled space between the lens and the cornea acts as a smooth optical surface, correcting for any irregularities and resulting in sharper, more stable vision.


Enhanced Comfort

Scleral lenses are designed to minimize contact with the sensitive corneal tissue, reducing the potential for irritation and discomfort. The tear-filled space also helps to maintain hydration and lubrication of the eye, making scleral lenses a more comfortable option for those with dry eye syndrome or other ocular surface disorders.


Increased Stability


Due to their larger size and unique design, scleral lenses are less likely to dislodge or shift during activities or eye movements. This increased stability not only provides consistent vision correction but also reduces the risk of lens-related complications, such as corneal abrasions or infections.


The Future of Scleral Lens Technology


As with any medical technology, the future of scleral lenses is constantly evolving. Advancements in materials, manufacturing techniques, and computer-aided design are making scleral lenses more accessible and beneficial to a wider range of patients. Some of the potential future developments in scleral lens technology include:


Improved Customization


Advancements in imaging and measurement technologies may allow for even more precise and customized scleral lens designs. This could lead to even better vision correction and comfort for those with complex eye conditions.


Novel Materials


Researchers are exploring new materials for scleral lenses that may provide even better oxygen transmission and durability. This could potentially reduce the need for frequent lens replacements and increase the lifespan of the lenses.


Smart Technology


Some researchers are exploring the use of sensors and microelectronics in scleral lenses to monitor various aspects of eye health, such as intraocular pressure or tear film composition. This could provide valuable data for eye care professionals and improve patient outcomes.




Scleral lenses are a unique and effective solution for individuals with various eye conditions or who have struggled with traditional contact lenses in the past. The science behind scleral lenses involves precise design and fitting techniques, as well as advanced materials and manufacturing technologies. The benefits of scleral lenses include improved vision, enhanced comfort, and increased stability compared to traditional contact lenses.

For more on scleral lenses, visit Smart Eyecare at our office in West New York, NJ. Call (201) 854-3411 to schedule an appointment today.

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