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Scleral Lens

What is Scleral Lens?​​​​​​​

Scleral contact lenses get their name from the fact that, unlike regular contacts, they vault over the entire corneal surface and rest on the white part of the eye, which is called the sclera.
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​​​​​​​What Are The Advantages Of Wearing Scleral Lenses?​​​​​​​

Their size makes them easier to handle and more stable when on the eye, which in turn provides the patient with sharper and more reliable vision. They are also less likely to become dislodged and come out.
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Who Wears Scleral Lenses?​​​​​​​

Although technically anyone can wear and benefit from scleral lenses, they are a particularly good option for patients who have eye conditions or irregularities for which regular contacts are not suitable.
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How do Scleral Lenses Help with Dry Eye Syndrome?​​​​​​​

The design of scleral lenses keeps moisture on the surface of the eyes, eliminating some of the effects of dry eyes. This makes scleral lenses a great choice for patients with dry eyes.
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Why Do Scleral Lenses Offer Superior Comfort?

Scleral contact lenses are also gas permeable, which means that oxygen can pass right through them and reach the surface of the eyes. This is important for comfort, particularly for patients who experience dry eyes. The gap that is created between the back of the contact lens and the front surface of the eye can also trap tear film, acting as a fluid reservoir that will keep the eyes moist and healthy.
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Does Insurance Cover Scleral Lenses?​​​​​​​

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