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Q&A Smart Eyecare

What does your eye exam cost?
Our comprehensive eye exam includes an overall wellness check and glasses prescription. It ranges between $89 to $139 depending on the complexity of the exam.

What insurances/vision plans do you take?
Eyemed, Spectera, United Health Care, Cigna, Aetna, United healthcare AARP medicare complete.

I have insurance, what will my eye exam cost?
There is a wide range of copays. You could pay as little as $0 for your eye exam. One of our team members will be able to answer any questions once you check-in for your appointment.

Why can’t you give me an exact out of pocket cost for my exam before I schedule?
Every vision and medical insurance plan is different. Our excellent team of insurance specialists would love to work with you to maximize your benefits. For example, some plans completely cover a comprehensive eye exam while others range from a $10 to $60 copay.

I have insurance, what will my contact lens exam cost?
Coverage of the contact lens fitting portion of your exam varies across all vision plans. Our excellent team of insurance specialists will help you navigate your vision and medical insurance plans in order to maximize your benefits.

What does a contact lens exam cost?
Most vision insurance plans have an allowance or copay for the contact lens fitting portion of the exam, but every plan is different. There may be an additional copay for the eye exam itself. Our comprehensive eye exam includes an overall wellness check and glasses prescription. It ranges between $89 to $139 depending on the complexity of the exam.

The separate contact lens portion of the exam is an additional $50 to $100 depending on which type of lens is best for you. The Doctors are more than happy to go over all the contact lens fitting services and answer any questions prior to finalizing your exam/contact lens results.

Do you do contact lens-only exams?
At Smart Eyecare, we believe in providing a thorough assessment of your ocular health first before fitting and prescribing contact lenses.

Why can I not only do contacts? Why do I need my glasses exam too?
A contact lens prescription is calculated based on a glasses prescription. These two prescriptions are not the same due to various reasons. Contact lenses are regulated by the FDA and are a Class B medical device. They require their own evaluation to provide the most optimal fitting relationship between your eyes and the contact lens itself. This fitting allows the optometrist to determine the appropriate size, base, curve, tear exchange, and tightness of the contacts for each eye. Every patient’s eyes are different, and there are several different contact lens brands, each with a variety of contacts to choose from. With a thorough eye examination and tailored glasses prescription, we will provide the healthiest fit for you.

Roya1234 none 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed optometrist,3,,, # # 2018547007 2018549088